Rugat is a municipality in the province of Valencia, in Valencia, Spain , belonging to the region Albaida Valley .
It is situated in the southeastern part of the county. Its perimeter has an elongated from north to south. At the southern end rises some foothills of the Sierra de Benicadell, with elevations above 400 m. The center constitutes a floodplain formed by the ravines trawls and Llop Llopis , resulting in a few orchards that owns this population. The northern half is again indented by rolling hills covered with vineyards, among which the hill slopes Rugat and Arnet and Alberon . In the far north the altitude decreases again in the FOIA 's Peu and Fondons Els , crossed by the valley of the same name. Also here is dominated by vineyards.
The climate is Mediterranean.
From Valencia, this town is accessed via the A- 7 to connect with the CV- 40 and CV- 60 to finish on the CV- 619.
Neighbouring towns
The municipality of Rugat limited to the following locations: Ayelo Rugat and Castellón de Rugat, both in the province of Valencia.
Deserted by the expulsion of the Moors in 1609. From 1960 suffered rural migration.
Its economy mainly descansava formerly agricultural wealth, being the most widespread vine cultivation. Currently the vine has given way to the fruit trees, oranges and vegetables. Having transformed much of drip irrigated upland. While agriculture remains an important factor in the economy , more and more are more important industry ( ceramic neighboring towns ) and especially the service sector (rural tourism ) , because despite being a small town , this population has a campground with a lake, a rural hotel and three restaurants to eat .
Livestock carede of importance .
Rugat Palace . ( XIV Century ) Maintains the original shape , the winery and the prison in the basement , the old kitchen on the ground floor , and upstairs the old row is saved for silkworm rearing .
Parish Church. ( XIV century ) Renaissance Style . It has two ships that appear to be the remains of an earlier church to which he added a ship parallel to increase the size of the temple. Stresses inside the twelve tables Renaissance altarpiece dedicated to the Verge of Gràcia , Nicolau work Borras ( Joan de Joanes student ) at the end of 1500 , designed for Valldigna monastery.
Local celebrations
Celebrations. Major festivities in late July , taking its beginning are in the last Thursday of the month, and continuing until Saturday in honour of San Bernardo , the Christ of the Wonders and the Divine Aurora